HomeAppsBooks & ReferencePastoralCareApps like PastoralCare Here are some great alternatives to PastoralCare by Concordia Publishing House : Daily Scripture ★4.6 Daily Psalms and Prayer ★4.7 Bible Inspirations ★4.7 Divine Office ★4.7 A Journey Through Psalms ★4.1 Fellowship of Purpose Church ★4.9 Healing Scriptures and Prayers ★4.9 Bible KJV ★4.9 Daily Prayer: from the CofE ★4.8 Christian Resource ★4.5 Caregiven ★4.0 Mass Readings & Reflections ★5.0 Meditations Daily Devotional ★4.0 Amen: help, soul and faith ★4.7 Daily Bible Verse+Daily Prayer ★4.7 Prayers of a Wise Parent ★4.3