HomeAppsBooks & ReferencePinoy BibleApps like Pinoy Bible Here are some great alternatives to Pinoy Bible by Puasoft : Yoruba Bible and English KJV ★4.8 Bible in Cebuano ★4.8 Ang Biblia : Tagalog Bible ★4.9 English Tagalog Bible Offline ★4.8 King James Bible - Verse+Audio ★4.8 King James Bible (KJV) ★4.7 Filipino Tagalog Cebuano Bible ★4.6 Digital Bible ★4.9 Jubilees, Jasher, Enoch, Bible ★4.6 The Bible KJV ★5.0 Bible King James Version ★4.7 King James Bible ★4.1 Cebuano Bible - Maayong Balita ★4.3 Study English Tagalog Bible ★4.9 King James Bible, KJV Offline ★4.7 King James Bible App ★4.8