HomeAppsEducationPocket Puppy SchoolApps like Pocket Puppy School Here are some great alternatives to Pocket Puppy School by Muula OU : Dog Town: Puppy Pet Shop Games ★4.4 Puppy Gym ★4.7 Puppy & Dog Training Assistant ★4.2 Dogo — Puppy and Dog Training ★4.6 Idle Dog Training School ★4.5 Doggy Time: Dog/Puppy Training ★4.4 Idle Dog School—Trainer Tycoon ★4.3 Woofz - Puppy and Dog Training ★4.6 Zigzag - Puppy Training ★4.0 Pet Dog Simulator Puppy Life ★3.4 Dog Training App — GoDog ★4.5 Pupford: Dog & Puppy Training ★4.7 Raising Dog: Training & Tricks ★4.6 Dog whistle & training app ★4.0 dog training guide train a dog ★4.4 Greyhound Dog Simulator ★3.3