HomeAppsBooks & ReferencePrayers for Every OccasionApps like Prayers for Every Occasion Here are some great alternatives to Prayers for Every Occasion by Most Powerful Prayers : Powerful Prayers for Daily ★4.6 Bible KJV ★4.9 Daily Christian Prayers ★4.3 Prayer Book ★4.8 Daily Bible Verse+Daily Prayer ★4.7 PrayGo -Daily Bible Meditation ★4.6 Catholic Prayers : Official ★4.6 Dear God - Prayer Diary ★4.7 Morning & Evening Prayers ★4.7 Prayers for everyday. Devotion ★4.5 Answered Prayer ★4.9 Daily Devotionals & Prayers ★4.7 Christian Prayers ★5.0 Prayer points with bible verse ★4.7 Strategic Renewal Prayer App ★5.0 Orthodox Daily Prayers ★3.8