HomeAppsBooks & ReferencePrayers in the BibleApps like Prayers in the Bible Here are some great alternatives to Prayers in the Bible by Kenehis : Daily Bible Verse+Daily Prayer ★4.7 Blessify ★3.6 Prayers for everyday. Devotion ★4.5 Morning & Evening Prayers ★4.7 Prayer points with bible verse ★4.7 Powerful Prayers for Daily ★4.6 Powerful Prayer from the Bible ★3.8 Daily Devotional & Prayer ★4.5 Daily Prayer Bible Quotes MP3 ★4.8 Holy Bible-Verse & Prayer ★4.6 PrayGo -Daily Bible Meditation ★4.6 Blessed - Daily Verse & Prayer ★4.9 Healing Scriptures and Prayers ★4.9 Holy Bible Moments ★4.6 KJV Bible: Pray, Verse, Audio ★4.8 Prayer ★4.9