HomeAppsBusinessPreservADEApps like PreservADE Here are some great alternatives to PreservADE by ADEvantage Technology, Inc. : Legacy and Life Planning ★3.8 Permanent Archive ★3.8 ForKeeps - Keep Memories Alive ★4.3 ProofMode: Verified Visuals ★3.9 Vault12 Guard - Inherit Crypto ★4.3 Secure Eraser ★4.2 DiaryVault: diary with backup ★4.2 Private Photo Vault - Keepsafe ★4.8 WAX Collectibles ★4.0 MyGearVault ★3.4 Vternal Vault ★4.2 Easy Cleaner by Dr. Disk ★4.3 Prisidio: Digital Vault ★4.3 Easy Storage Clean ★4.4 Data Eraser App - Wipe Data ★3.6 Restored Antiquity ★4.9