HomeAppsBooks & ReferenceProphetic DeclarationsApps like Prophetic Declarations Here are some great alternatives to Prophetic Declarations by PDTanks Tech : Doctrine and Covenants Book ★4.6 Testimony Share ★4.6 Deliverance prayer against evi ★4.8 Believe His Prophets ★4.6 The Church of Almighty God ★4.9 Miracle City ★5.0 Prophets and Kings ★5.0 Warfare Prayer-Against enemies ★4.6 Daily Affirmations Bible Study ★4.2 Prophecy Now ★4.3 Daniel Prophecy ★4.4 Prophet Kacou (text + audio) ★4.6 Feedthesheep ★5.0 Lamb & Lion Ministries ★4.8 Messianic Bible, WMB ★3.6 Holy - Daily Bible Verses ★4.9