HomeAppsBusinessPSO FuelinkApps like PSO Fuelink Here are some great alternatives to PSO Fuelink by Altpay : DRIVEN FOR FUELMAN™ ★4.0 Circle K Pro ★4.2 SASCO | ساسكو ★4.4 Way-in ★3.7 AtoB: Find and Save on Fuel ★4.6 PSO ★4.0 BPme - Pay for Fuel and more ★3.7 GasBuddy: Find & Pay for Gas ★3.8 Fuelio: gas log & gas prices ★4.3 Car-costs and fuel log PRO ★4.2 Car-costs and fuel log ★4.0 NSW FuelCheck ★4.5 FuelCloud ★3.8 Fuel App(Powered By CBEBirr) ★3.7 MyFuelLog2: My car statistics ★4.2 Exxon Mobil Rewards+ ★3.9