HomeAppsBooks & Referenceپښتو لمونځ | Pashto NamazApps like پښتو لمونځ | Pashto Namaz Here are some great alternatives to پښتو لمونځ | Pashto Namaz by Khoshal Saidy : Easy Pashto Keyboard -پښتو ★4.2 Pashto Naats - پښتو نعتونه ★5.0 Pashto Keyboard-زما پښتو ★3.7 Pashto Keyboard - کیبورد پشتو ★4.4 English to Pashto Translator ★4.3 Pashto English Dictionary ★3.9 Easy Pashto & Urdu Keyboard ★4.6 Salah Step By Step Learn Namaz ★4.6 Namaz e Nabavi ★3.3 Pashto Keyboard Plugin ★4.3 Rehmat - Quran, Namaz and More ★4.8 Afghan Pashto Bible پښتو انجیل ★5.0 Afghan Ketabton افغان کتابتون ★4.0 Asaan Namaz (URDU) ★4.4 نماز کا مکمل طریقہ - Namaz Ka ★5.0 Pashto Tapa - Tapay پښتو ټپی ★5.0