HomeAppsMusic & AudioQuickChart for SpotifyApps like QuickChart for Spotify Here are some great alternatives to QuickChart for Spotify by Sergio Calderón (cs10 Apps) : must.fm for Spotify Stats ★4.4 stats.fm for Spotify ★4.4 Spotify Lite ★4.6 Trackify - Spotify Stats ★4.7 Musis - Rate Music for Spotify ★4.6 Airbuds Widget - Spotify Stats ★4.2 Spotify for Artists ★3.6 Musiko: music notifications ★3.3 Spotilicious: Spotify Filters ★3.9 Pano Scrobbler for LastFM ★4.6 Finale for Last.fm ★4.1 Spotify: Music and Podcasts ★4.3 OneMusic - Cloud Music Player ★3.7 crabhands: new music releases ★4.2 Skiley ★4.7 PlaylistMerger 4 Spotify ★4.0