HomeGamesCardRegicide CompanionGames like Regicide Companion Here are some great alternatives to Regicide Companion by Badgers From Mars : Mothership Companion ★4.9 Slay the Spire: TBG Companion ★4.1 HeroQuest - Companion App ★4.0 Cyberpunk Red Companion ★4.7 Massive Darkness Companion ★3.7 Off The Grid: Companion App ★4.5 SDG Companion ★4.4 iRacing Companion ★4.7 Renegade Games Companion ★3.2 PI: Board Game - Companion App ★4.6 MTG Life Counter App: Lotus ★4.7 Zombicide: Black Plague Compan ★3.8 5e Companion App ★4.4 Dice Throne Companion ★4.3 Magic: The Gathering Companion ★3.6 Wise Companion: Res. Evil DBG ★4.6