HomeAppsSocialRevoteenApps like Revoteen Here are some great alternatives to Revoteen by Revoteen Inc : TurnUp Activism ★4.9 RoundPier: High School and Col ★3.9 Sellwase ★5.0 Intellum Social ★3.7 Goin' - Connecting Students ★4.3 ENGAGE Professional Metaverse ★3.7 Phenom ★5.0 Entre: Professional Network ★4.4 Scappy ★4.9 Vocl ★4.3 Rigi - Empowering Creators ★4.0 Openvibe – Mastodon & Bluesky ★3.8 Converge Study Abroad ★4.3 UNIVERSIMM - WORLD OF INTEREST ★4.0 Bizfluence: Business Network ★4.4 RecurPost- Social Media App ★4.1