HomeAppsBusinessRoadRewardsApps like RoadRewards Here are some great alternatives to RoadRewards by Plymouth Rock Assurance : RoadClub ★4.2 Safe Roads Challenge ★3.3 You in the Driver Seat ★3.4 SafeMode Rewards ★4.5 Azuga FleetMobile ★3.4 Kemper Co-Pilot ★4.5 SAFE 2 SAVE ★3.4 Discovery Insure ★3.5 AARP SafeTrip™ ★4.2 Nationwide SmartRide® ★4.3 Jerry: The AllCar™ App ★4.2 USAA SafePilot ★4.0 ERIE YourTurn ★4.9 Reward Plus - Play & Earn ★4.1 Miles - Travel, Shop, Get Cash ★3.5 Playful Rewards: Play & Earn ★3.8