HomeGamesEducationalRobot Trains: The Great StormGames like Robot Trains: The Great Storm Here are some great alternatives to Robot Trains: The Great Storm by TapTapTales : Illuminate City: Pipe Puzzler ★4.4 Charge the Robot ★3.8 Rocket Puzzle - Connect the Pi ★3.5 Pipe Game ★4.2 Hero Pipe Rescue: Water Puzzle ★4.4 Gold Train FRVR ★4.1 Kingdom Dash - Endless Runner ★4.8 Run Run Super 5 ★4.4 Block Ball Brick Breaker Games ★3.5 Water Train Simulator ★3.7 Water Train- City Train Driver ★4.0 Water Surfer Bullet Train Game ★3.5 Robotics! ★4.6 SuperTrains ★3.8 Logic Train - Railway puzzle ★3.6 Action Balls: Gyrosphere Race ★4.2