HomeAppsToolsRoman to decimal OCRApps like Roman to decimal OCR Here are some great alternatives to Roman to decimal OCR by zieggyapps : Roman numerals ★4.1 Roman Numerals Converter ★4.6 Roman Numerals Converter ★4.6 Roman Numerals Converter ★4.2 Roman Numerals Converter ★4.6 Myanmar OCR ★3.7 Roman Numerals ★4.7 OCR ★4.0 OCR - Image to Text - Extract ★4.3 OCR Text Scanner ★4.6 OCR Master Image to Text ★4.0 Text Master OCR, Image to Text ★4.4 OCR Text Scanner-Image to Text ★4.6 Copy Text On Screen ★4.0 Image To Text: OCR Text Scan ★3.2 Copy Text On Screen ★3.4