HomeAppsEducationSAFEHOUSE GlobalApps like SAFEHOUSE Global Here are some great alternatives to SAFEHOUSE Global by Mami Onami : SLAE Online Coaching ★4.2 Kahilla ★5.0 The Coaching Masters ★4.4 YourCoach - Health Coaches ★4.4 Lyve-App ★4.1 Lendlease US Communities ★4.5 ShamanX Instant Coach ★4.5 House of LimeLife Community ★4.7 Goodwall - Skills & Rewards ★4.3 Safe Harbor Alumni Community ★4.7 3C USA ★5.0 MilkCrate for Communities ★4.3 Air Safety World ★4.4 HELPme - Resources and Support ★3.6 Uniguest Community Apps ★3.8 SafeBoda for Drivers ★4.3