HomeGamesAdventureSave John: Funny ChoicesGames like Save John: Funny Choices Here are some great alternatives to Save John: Funny Choices by Bean Games Studio : Save the Guy: Funny Choice ★4.0 Choices Story ★3.5 Funny AI Crosswords ★4.5 Save The Pirate! Make choices! ★4.7 Tricky Twist Puzzle ★4.9 Grimaze Life Story: Fun Choice ★3.5 Troll Face Quest: Video Memes ★4.3 Punish Him: Fun Puzzle ★3.8 Help The Bro: Save Fun ★4.3 FunnyPics - Funny Memes, Jokes ★4.0 Draw Funny Story: DOP Puzzle ★4.5 Dumb Ways to Die: Dumb Choices ★4.0 Funny Stories and Jokes ★3.7 Help Monster 2: Tricky Puzzle ★4.4 Flashback: Who is? ★4.2 Help Me: Tricky Story ★4.7