Savings & CD Calculator
Icon Savings & CD Calculator

Savings & CD Calculator

by TSoftOne

Set savings goal with Savings Calculator and find out what it takes to reach it.

App NameSavings & CD Calculator
Download Size8 MB
Latest Version1.6.01
Average Rating4.45
Rating Count435
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Screenshot Savings & CD Calculator
Screenshot Savings & CD Calculator
Screenshot Savings & CD Calculator
Screenshot Savings & CD Calculator
It doesn't matter how much you make. It matters how much you save. Savings Calculator is designed to enlighten you the power of savings. It is a 2-in-1 calculator, Savings and CD (Certificate of Deposit) Calculator. Set your savings goal with Savings Calculator and find out what it takes to reach your goal. From time to time, it may be better to save in a CD account. Use CD Calculator to estimate how much you can earn in interest.


1. Include 2 calculators: Savings Calculator and CD Calculator

2. Easy to use, allowing quick inputs and calculation. Use Savings Calculator to set savings goal, calculate monthly savings and time it takes to reach your goal. Use CD Calculator to estimate your gain in interest and to compares CD's with different interest rate.

3. Schedule table details interest earned and balance over time

4. Graphs show both balance by month with monthly savings desired and balance by month with monthly savings required to reach your goal within the specified time frame.

5. Support multiple compounding type in CD Calculator, including compound daily, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually.

6. Ability to save your savings accounts for future reference.

7. Many more features, plus elegant design you need to check out to see.

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