HomeAppsToolsSay What I Type PROApps like Say What I Type PRO Here are some great alternatives to Say What I Type PRO by Alan AI Voice LAB : Speech to Text & Text to Voice ★4.0 Speech to Text - Voice Typing ★3.6 Arabic Voice Typing Keyboard ★4.3 Arabic Voice typing & Keyboard ★4.0 English Voice Typing Keyboard ★4.1 English Voice Typing Keyboard ★4.0 Real Voice Text to Speech ★3.5 English Voice Typing Keyboard ★4.2 English Voice Typing Keyboard ★3.9 Voice Typing Keyboard ★3.9 Text Voice Pro Text to Speech ★3.4 Persian Voice Typing App ★4.2 English Voice Typing Keyboard ★3.9 Speech to Text _Voice Keyboard ★4.0 Easy Voice Typing Keyboard ★4.3 Speech To Text for WhatsApp ★3.3