HomeAppsToolsSchaeffler Health CoachApps like Schaeffler Health Coach Here are some great alternatives to Schaeffler Health Coach by Schaeffler Group : Higher Self ★3.8 LAXASFIT PRO ★3.5 Therabody ★4.7 My Health ★4.2 Wellness Coach ★4.8 Innovative Health ★4.5 YourCoach - Health Coaches ★4.4 MEDION Fitness ★4.6 Peak Health & Wellness MSLA ★4.7 Executive Health and Sports ★4.6 Elev8tion ★5.0 Compound App Mobile ★3.7 MOVE! Coach ★3.8 Blueprint Accountability ★4.6 KORE ★4.4 Team Beauty ★5.0