HomeAppsEducationSCHOOL MANAGEMENT APPApps like SCHOOL MANAGEMENT APP Here are some great alternatives to SCHOOL MANAGEMENT APP by Neverskip : B12 App ★3.3 Tree House High School ★4.3 ChildPilot Staff ★4.5 eSchool System ★5.0 Edunext Parent ★4.3 Campusdean Parent's App ★5.0 SIP ★4.4 Adonai Eduware ★5.0 Ed-admin Multi-Portal (EMP) ★3.5 The Doon Valley Public School ★4.4 COOLSIS Family Access ★4.2 Classe365 ★3.4 Bidyaaly - Parent Teacher Comm ★4.4 e-Halsangandn ★3.4 Fees & Attendance Register ★3.7 UoMosul - Student Portal ★4.3