ShorBazar-Ek Bhart Ek bazar
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ShorBazar-Ek Bhart Ek bazar

by Lamina Research Center Pvt.Ltd.

ShorBazar leading online supermarket shopping app.

App NameShorBazar-Ek Bhart Ek bazar
DeveloperLamina Research Center Pvt.Ltd.
Download Size18 MB
Latest Version1.1.4
Average Rating0.00
Rating Count0
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Screenshot ShorBazar-Ek Bhart Ek bazar
Screenshot ShorBazar-Ek Bhart Ek bazar
Screenshot ShorBazar-Ek Bhart Ek bazar
Screenshot ShorBazar-Ek Bhart Ek bazar
ShorBazar app helps you in buying products from your local merchants online. Get it delivered at your doorstep or you can self pick your orders from the store. Shop around a different number of categories such as fruits & vegetables, medicine, food, hardware, beauty products and many more from the local stores in and around. Online payment options include UPI transfer which is 100% safe and secured

Merchants can connect with their local customers via ShorBazar app and start receiving orders.

With ShorBazar you can purchase the below-mentioned products from your local store,

Vegetables, Food products ,Hardware ,Clothing ,Beauty & Cosmetic products ,Books ,Services ,Bakery ,Grocery

Main Features Of ShorBazar
ShorBazar is 100% free to use and secure
ShorBazar is available at free of cost to customers and merchants to provide and enable the business of the local store merchants.

Live Order Tracking
Track the orders you placed with the real-time status on order pick up, expected time of delivery.

Discover Local Stores
Now place orders in stores nearby your area. This feature not only enables easy and quick delivery but also builds the trust and quality of the product.

Get Quality & Best Products
Now there is no need to worry about the product like before because we don’t know the seller. With ShorBazar you get products from the local stores which are at good quality and best product.

100% Trusted Sellers
The sellers are 100% verified and strive to give the best products and satisfy your expectations. Easy return policy helps you to return the products if the product did not meet your expectations.

Pay Online
You can pay online for the products you purchased through UPI via Google Pay, PhonePay or Paytm as well. You can also pay from your Mobikwik wallet as well.

Multiple Payment Options
Pay for your orders using Visa/Master credit cards or Debit cards, Net Banking, Paytm, Mobikwik wallet. Customers also have the option to pay after delivery (COD)

No Worries On Minimum Orders
There is no limit for minimum orders, you can place the order with no minimum and maximum limit

Place Orders Anytime
Unlike any delivery systems, you can place your order in your local stores anytime regardless of whether the local store is open or not. You can also get customised delivery options by requesting the merchant through contact number

History Of Orders
You can check the history of your previous orders and can repeat orders if needed for the same. Also, you can check previous orders payment details, delivery time

Refer A Local Store
Wish your local store is in ShorBazar? Refer this to them by sharing the quick referral link through Whatsapp

24x7 Service
Having any issues with the app? We will try to resolve the issue quickly. Please raise a complaint through the app or reach out to us at [email protected]

Would you like to give us any feedback that improves the app or want to report a bug? Please reach out to us at [email protected] we are happy to help you out.

We take customer/retailers safety of data very seriously. That is the reason we are saving data with the world's best cloud companies. It is 100% Free, Safe and Secure for all types of businesses
ShorBazar Functionality:
Features in ShorBazar for Business app :
✔️. Very easy to register by filling in business details like shop name or number, address and a valid mobile number.
✔️. Select your business type from a wide range of predefined business categories.
✔️. After selecting the business category you can easily add product or service details like Product Name, Product Description, MRP, Selling Price and offer discounts if any.

ShorBazar app needs access to other functions on your device -
• Contact: Read contacts to add them as customers, retailers or distributors.
• Storage: App will download the invoice in the download directory.

ShorBazar App is proudly made in India ❤️

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