HomeAppsMusic & AudioSing ScriptureApps like Sing Scripture Here are some great alternatives to Sing Scripture by ProApps Live : Scripture Singer ★4.4 Gospel for Kids ★4.4 Scripture Memory Fellowship ★4.6 Remember Me (Beta) ★4.8 Bible Memory: VerseLocker ★4.7 Bible Study Tools, Audio Video ★4.7 Daily Bible Verse and Devotion ★4.7 CPLS Memorize ★4.8 Read Scripture ★4.6 Bible Memory: BibleMe ★4.7 Bible quiz, verses and quotes ★5.0 Bible Memory Verses Game - KJV ★4.3 NavsTMS ★4.5 Bible Study - Verse & Audio ★4.8 WordGo: Start a Bible Study ★3.7 Pray Bible - Daily Verse&Audio ★4.9