HomeAppsToolsSkyward CompanionApps like Skyward Companion Here are some great alternatives to Skyward Companion by Sebastian Kruse : Blue Coin Tracker - Checklist ★4.9 Guide for Skyrim ★3.7 Catalog: Animal Crossing (Old) ★4.5 Jewel Sky Castle ★4.7 Companion for Fortnite ★4.3 Guide of the Wild ★4.2 Guide BOI: Repentance + Afterb ★4.6 Guideco for Red Dead 2 ★4.6 Orna Companion ★4.3 The Forest Companion App ★4.1 Guide for Coral Island ★4.5 Gaming Freak Guide ★4.1 DLVGuide for Dreamlight ★4.1 Sword & Sorcery Companion App ★3.9 FINAL FANTASY XIV Companion ★3.6 PlayGuide: Your Game Companion ★3.9