HomeAppsLifestyleSmokerlyzerApps like Smokerlyzer Here are some great alternatives to Smokerlyzer by Bedfont® Scientific Ltd : Stop Smoking – Stay Sober ★4.6 Quit Smoking, Smoke-free Flamy ★4.4 No Smoking, Stop Cravings ★4.6 Quit smoking cigarette - Smoxy ★3.8 Smokerface ★4.2 Stop Smoking - EasyQuit ★4.8 Quit: Hypnosis to Stop Smoking ★4.1 Stop Smoking - EasyQuit Pro ★4.7 Smoke Free - quit smoking now ★4.7 Quit Smoking with Andrew Johns ★4.2 Quit Tracker: Stop Smoking ★4.8 Stop Smoking - Quit Smoking ★4.6 SmokeFree: Quit smoking slowly ★3.5 DWS: Anti-smoking counter ★4.8 QuitBet ★3.7 QuitNow: Quit smoking for good ★4.5