HomeAppsLifestyleSolid LivesApps like Solid Lives Here are some great alternatives to Solid Lives by Anaheim Foursquare Church : Solid Rock Pentecostal Church ★5.0 Solid Rock Church ★4.8 New Life Chicago ★4.5 The Power of Faith Ministries ★5.0 LifePoint Church — Live Sent ★4.6 Chooselife ★5.0 Touching Lives ★4.5 New Life Church OG ★4.5 Life in Christ Church ★5.0 Life Together Fellowship ★4.9 GL Ministries ★5.0 NewLife.Church ★4.8 Truth In Love Ministries ★4.9 NEW LIFE MINISTRIES APP ★4.7 LIFE MINISTRIES CHURCH - Texas ★5.0 Real Life Ministries ★4.8