HomeAppsEducationSpiritual warApps like Spiritual war Here are some great alternatives to Spiritual war by Appschrisitians : Holy Spirit - Study ★4.5 Powerful Deliverance Prayer ★4.3 Spiritual Warfare Prayer ★4.6 Spiritual Understanding ★4.9 Angelology ★4.3 Demons Dictionary - Demonology ★3.9 Spiritual Wisdom ★4.0 Spiritual Gifts ★4.9 Spiritual Growth ★4.6 Warfare Prayer-Against enemies ★4.6 Demon Hunter's Heart ★5.0 Study the Book of Revelation ★4.2 Spiritual Me®: Meditation App ★4.7 Study True Bible Doctrines ★4.2 Witchcraft in the Bible ★4.3 Prayer Against Evil Spirits ★4.6