HomeGamesSports GamesSquare Fists - BoxingGames like Square Fists - Boxing Here are some great alternatives to Square Fists - Boxing by Marcelo Barce : Kick Boxing Games: Fight Game ★4.5 Boxing Star: Real Boxing Fight ★4.6 Big Shot Boxing ★3.3 LEATHER® ★4.9 Boxing Gym Tycoon 3D: MMA Club ★4.3 Kung Fu Heros: Fighting Game ★4.4 MMA Legends - Fighting Game ★4.6 Real Punch Boxing Games 3d ★3.9 Punch Boxing Fighter The fight ★4.3 Boxing Ring ★4.6 Boxing Heros: Fighting Games ★4.4 Real Boxing 2 ★4.6 UFC Heavy Bag / Shadow Boxing ★4.1 Prizefighters 2 ★4.0 Bad Girls Wrestling Game ★4.4 Ultimate Fight Survival : Figh ★4.6