HomeGamesPuzzleStupidella 2Games like Stupidella 2 Here are some great alternatives to Stupidella 2 by Stupidella : Tricky Twist Puzzle ★4.8 Brain Twist: Annoying Quest ★4.5 Punish Him: Fun Puzzle ★3.8 Brain Out: Can you pass it? ★4.5 AI Jokes Generator-Write Jokes ★3.8 Troll Move ★4.7 Funny AI Crosswords ★4.5 Tricky Puzzle: Brain Annoy ★4.4 Maze Craze ★3.9 Chat Master Prank: Chat Story ★4.2 Help Sprunky: Tricky Story ★4.7 Brain Teaser Challenge ★4.5 Help Story: Brain Puzzle ★4.2 Brain Draw ★4.0 PathPix Laugh ★4.8 Catch the Candy 2 ★4.4