HomeAppsPhotographySun Ephemeris (Sunset Sunrise)Apps like Sun Ephemeris (Sunset Sunrise) Here are some great alternatives to Sun Ephemeris (Sunset Sunrise) by PixelProse SARL : Ephemeris: Sun and Moon Seeker ★3.4 Sun Surveyor (Sun & Moon) ★4.8 Qibla direction & prayer times ★4.5 Qibla direction & prayer times ★4.3 Lunisolar - Sun Moon Calendar ★3.7 Sun, moon and planets ★4.4 Sun & Moon Locator, Calendar ★4.0 Sun Moon Times ★4.0 LunaSolCal Mobile ★4.9 Sun Position, Sunrise & Sunset ★4.8 Golden Hour Sunrise & Sunset ★4.7 Sun Locator - Position Seeker ★4.2 Calendar - Sun & Moon ★4.5 Flat Earth ★4.6 Sun Position, Sunrise/set PRO ★4.8 Sun Surveyor Lite ★4.2