HomeAppsWeatherSunSmart Global UVApps like SunSmart Global UV Here are some great alternatives to SunSmart Global UV by Cancer Council Vic. : UVLens - UV Index Forecasts ★4.2 UV Index - Tan Widget ★4.3 UVIMate - UV Index Now ★3.7 UVlower sun tracker & uv index ★3.7 UV-INDEKS ★4.2 Sunny Side - UV Index ★4.2 Sunrise and Sunset Times ★4.6 Dot&Key Skincare Shopping ★4.9 SunTanApp (Tanning Timer) ★4.1 DRMTLGY ★4.9 Sun Seeker: Sunlight Tracker ★3.4 Weatherproof - What to wear? ★4.6 Sunshine Compass - Sun Path ★4.0 Sun Position, Sunrise/set PRO ★4.9 Calendar - Sun & Moon ★4.5 Sun Position, Sunrise & Sunset ★4.8