HomeAppsToolsSunWidgetApps like SunWidget Here are some great alternatives to SunWidget by Dusan Koleno : Widget: Sunrise & Sunset Times ★4.1 Sunrise and Sunset Times ★4.8 Sunrise Sunset Calculator ★4.3 Suntime - Sunrise and Sunset W ★4.3 Calendar ★3.8 MySunset ★3.4 Daylight Clock: Sunrise/Sunset ★4.5 Sun and Moon ★3.8 Worldshade - day & night map ★4.0 Golden Hour+ ★4.9 Sunshine Compass - Sun Path ★4.0 Sunrise Clock Widget ★3.8 World Clockr Lite ★5.0 Day Light ★5.0 Sun Position, Sunrise & Sunset ★4.8 Sunrise Sunset ★4.0