HomeAppsBusinessSuperManage:Attendance ManagerApps like SuperManage:Attendance Manager Here are some great alternatives to SuperManage:Attendance Manager by SuperManage: Staff Attendance, Payroll & Cashbook : Attendance and Payroll App ★4.1 Attendance & Time clock ★5.0 Wage Plus Payroll : Attendance ★3.4 Manager Mobile ★3.5 EasyWorkforce ★3.9 FactoHR Employee App ★4.2 RJ Staff ★3.7 Attendance App for Employees ★4.1 Fingerspot.io:Attend & Payroll ★4.3 TimeForge Manager ★3.3 greytHR - the one-stop HR App ★3.7 Attendy - Attendance register ★4.3 Timerack ★3.5 Unifocus ★4.7 Jibble - Attendance Tracker ★4.7 XmartClock Employee Time Clock ★3.9