HomeAppsSocialSwipeRedApps like SwipeRed Here are some great alternatives to SwipeRed by Buzz360 : OutreachCircle ★3.7 Numinar ★4.2 RSBN ★4.6 Empower: Relational Organizing ★3.6 CallHub ★4.4 TurnUp Activism ★4.9 MOXY - Politics, News & Social ★3.9 Freebies and Giveaways ★4.4 Charmed : Swipe Local Singles ★4.5 Snap! Mobile ★3.9 VOCL Social ★4.3 Swipe Dial - Swipe dialer app ★4.0 Snapkyu ★3.9 Lumi: Nearby Dating Spark ★4.7 Celebrity News ★4.6 TapNow - Friends on homescreen ★4.1