T-rex Cops- Combine! DinoRobot
Icon T-rex Cops- Combine! DinoRobot

T-rex Cops- Combine! DinoRobot

by FirstFox Games

Assemble the parts to create the T-rex Cops Robot game.

App NameT-rex Cops- Combine! DinoRobot
DeveloperFirstFox Games
Download Size39 MB
Latest Version1.3.5
Average Rating4.08
Rating Count3,565
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Screenshot T-rex Cops- Combine! DinoRobot
Screenshot T-rex Cops- Combine! DinoRobot
Screenshot T-rex Cops- Combine! DinoRobot
Screenshot T-rex Cops- Combine! DinoRobot
Assemble the parts are scattered
Try assembling a large and powerful robot dinosaur "T-rex cops".
After assembling You can use a variety of techniques.

"T-rex cops is responsible for security officer, belong Double Target
Excellent mobility for the criminals arrest, reinforced the booster engine is equipped with.
His defense also increased dramatically when equipped with "Knight Defense Armor"
It is not difficult to carry out any form of police duties.
He is currently achieving a 100% arrest rate,
Which is higher than the Tarbo Cops' arrest rate of 99%."

Recent changes:
▼Update T-rex Cops - Combine! Dino Robot (2020.08.22)

- modified some motion.
- upgraded game core engine.

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