HomeAppsMaps & NavigationTAK StackApps like TAK Stack Here are some great alternatives to TAK Stack by VK Integrated Systems : ATAK Plugin: Data Sync ★4.3 ATAK Plugin: GeoCam ★4.6 Virtual App ★5.0 AnyDesk plugin pointmobile1 ★4.4 Aris Launcher ★4.5 Package inspector ★4.1 Smart Apk Analyzer & Info ★4.0 Power Apk->Extract and Analyze ★4.2 BackCountry Navigator GPS PRO ★3.5 Mapit Spatial - GIS Collector ★4.2 APK Installer ★3.7 CalTopo ★4.8 APK Explorer ★3.9 MapFactor Navigator ★3.9 Maps Measure ★4.5 X-/APK Extractor & Installer ★4.6