HomeGamesStrategyTales of ValorisGames like Tales of Valoris Here are some great alternatives to Tales of Valoris by Digital Scorpion Interactive : Western Sniper: Wild West FPS ★4.5 Bloody West: Infamous Legends ★4.1 King of Defense 2: Epic TD ★4.7 Lock's Quest ★3.3 Realm Defense: Hero Legends TD ★4.4 Heroes and Castles 2 ★4.5 Heroes and Castles 2: Premium ★4.7 Storm Tale ★4.6 Tower Defense Kingdom Realm ★4.4 Defender IV ★4.5 Demon Raid 2: Tower Defense ★4.5 Tale Defense ★4.0 Royale Defense ★4.2 Total Battle: Tactical Wars ★4.3 Fight For Dynasty: Kingdom War ★3.4 Tower Hero - Tower Defense ★4.3