HomeAppsLifestyleThe Gathering Baptist ChurchApps like The Gathering Baptist Church Here are some great alternatives to The Gathering Baptist Church by Aware3, LLC : Lewis Memorial Baptist Church ★5.0 The Heights Baptist Church App ★5.0 Springfield Baptist Church ★4.9 West Gate Baptist Church ★5.0 Central Baptist Church NLR, AR ★5.0 Topeka Baptist Church ★5.0 Timothy Baptist Church ★5.0 Mesa Baptist Church ★4.8 Open Door Baptist Church ★5.0 South Union Baptist Church ★5.0 Oakland Baptist Church (OBC) ★4.7 Tri-Cities Baptist Church ★4.0 Heritage Baptist Church JC ★5.0 Great Commission Church ★4.7 1BKingsburg ★5.0 Metro Community Church NJ ★5.0