The Journeyman - TJM
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The Journeyman - TJM

by LiveTJM

TJM - Connect wildland fire pros with jobs, training, and growth opportunities

App NameThe Journeyman - TJM
Download Size16 MB
Latest Version0.2.11
Average Rating5.00
Rating Count5
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Screenshot The Journeyman - TJM
Screenshot The Journeyman - TJM
Screenshot The Journeyman - TJM
Screenshot The Journeyman - TJM
The wildland fire community is diverse, encompassing a wide range of professionals from firefighters to support staff, all requiring different levels of yearly required training, certification, and experience. The Journeyman (TJM) application recognizes this diversity and offers tools to connect workers with businesses, fostering a robust community where opportunities for employment and professional development are easily accessible for all.

This idea was born out of our own necessity and yearly conversations with people on wildland fires. We want to bridge the gap between wildland companies/agencies and who they employ to foster a more connected, informed, and ready wildland firefighter community no matter if your day one or its your last season." - Tyler Olson (Co-Founder)

TJM introduces a streamlined approach to hiring within the wildland fire industry. Workers can create detailed profiles that include standard information, display certifications, and upload evaluations. TJM gives you more opportunities in wildland fire and it is our goal to maximize your fire season by aligning you with the most opportunities for work and training.

Similarly, companies have the opportunity to showcase job opportunities, training programs, and upcoming events for interested individuals. They can also share photos and videos of their company in one convenient location for new industry seekers.

Companies can efficiently manage rostered employees, providing support during preseason and active fires. The app streamlines emergency hiring and scheduling, allowing employees to indicate availability and interest in positions for quick vacancy filling.

Individuals can roster with one or multiple companies and be ready to receive notifications through TJM for faster contract acceptance.

Recent changes:
In this version 0.2.11

- Fixed bugs in incidents search
- Fixed bug fixes and issues in events
- Fixed UI issues in various screens for better UI experience

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