HomeAppsBooks & ReferenceThe Nag Hammadi Library (PRO)Apps like The Nag Hammadi Library (PRO) Here are some great alternatives to The Nag Hammadi Library (PRO) by Conexão Paraúna : Gospel of Truth ★4.5 Gospel According to Mary ★5.0 Gospel of Thomas ★4.8 Gospel Of Mary Magdalene ★4.1 Gospel of Mary Magdalene ★4.6 The Corpus Hermeticum ★4.5 Coptic Bible ★4.7 Naqlun Coptic Dictionary ★4.7 CopticHymns ★5.0 Coptic Reader ★4.9 Coptic Agpeya ★4.6 Coptic Copt4G خدمه قبطيه ★4.7 Katamars + Orsozoxi ★4.9 Ancient Greek Library ★4.6 Guide, Checklist - AC Origins ★4.9 Books of the Ancient ★4.6