HomeAppsBooks & ReferenceThe Pastors Study BibleApps like The Pastors Study Bible Here are some great alternatives to The Pastors Study Bible by Grace Ministries and Dusty Sandals : Bible Study ★4.7 Bible Studies in Depth ★4.8 Bible Studies in Depth ★4.4 Commentary study Bible offline ★4.5 NKJV Study Bible ★4.6 Life Application Study Bible ★4.8 Thru the Bible Verse by Verse ★4.7 Bible Study tools ★4.7 BibleACTS ★3.8 Feedthesheep ★5.0 Online Bible ★4.6 Good News Bible (GNB) ★4.7 Evangelical Bible Studies ★4.9 Chain Reference Bible ★3.7 The Study Bible ★4.8 Bible studies in depth of life ★4.4