HomeAppsBusinessThe VineApps like The Vine Here are some great alternatives to The Vine by Kraft Heinz : 102.5 The Vine ★4.8 InOurCircle ★4.2 VINELink ★4.3 Life Vine Church 2.0 ★4.9 Vineyard Valley NETFLIX ★4.3 Snap News: Local & Alerts ★4.6 My Communities ★3.6 Whuups ★3.5 Vezbi Super App ★4.4 Ynetnews ★4.1 Sprinklr Extend ★4.2 The Canopy ★5.0 BeegHub - Meet & Live ★4.9 The News Leader ★3.6 LIVE Score, Real-Time Score ★4.0 Trend Live ★4.2