HomeAppsSocialTherr: Healthy Social RewardsApps like Therr: Healthy Social Rewards Here are some great alternatives to Therr: Healthy Social Rewards by Therr Inc. : uGeo: Discover Local Events ★4.5 real - social network ★5.0 Krew Social ★4.9 TTN Social - The Torah Network ★3.8 OneRoof: Meet Your Neighbors ★4.3 DAOPEOPLE: web3 social network ★4.2 Belong - Meet New People ★4.9 Meetup: Social Events & Groups ★4.1 Noomeera: social networking ★4.6 Civic Dollars ★3.8 Wink - Friends & Dating App ★4.3 The Movement ★3.2 Walkabout ★3.6 Locals: Clubs, Events, People ★3.3 Snaptown ★4.6 Loca ★4.6