HomeAppsFinanceUB BizApps like UB Biz Here are some great alternatives to UB Biz by United Bank Atmore, Alabama : IB/Industrial Bank of WA ★4.6 DLP Bank Mobile Banking ★4.2 United CU - Tyler ★4.2 FNB Oxford ★4.8 Crossroads Bank Mobile App ★4.6 Abbeville First Bank ★4.8 Brighton Bank TN ★4.4 Cumberland Security Bank ★4.5 Citizens Deposit Bank Mobile ★4.3 InterBank Mobile ★4.3 CSB Colorado ★4.5 FNB Le Center ★4.7 Conway Bank Mobile Banking ★4.0 First American Bank CashTrac ★3.2 Bank of Commerce Mobile (OK) ★4.1 CedarStone Bank ★4.0