HomeAppsEntertainmentVader BreathApps like Vader Breath Here are some great alternatives to Vader Breath by Paolo Montalto : darth vader ringtone ★4.0 Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame ★3.6 Breathing exercise ★4.2 Breath Counter 3.0 ★3.3 Paced Breathing Pro ★4.9 Breathe: Relax & Stay Calm ★4.3 Awesome Breathing: Pacer Timer ★4.8 Paced Breathing ★4.4 Box Breathing by Unbeatable Mi ★3.4 Beats & Breath ★5.0 Oxygen Advantage ★4.5 Breathe2Relax ★4.0 Othership: Guided Breathwork ★4.7 Breathe and Flow Yoga ★4.8 Binaural Beats & Mind Waves ★4.5 Halloween Sounds Soundboard ★4.3