HomeGamesStrategyVagabondsGames like Vagabonds Here are some great alternatives to Vagabonds by LimonGames : Travian: Legends ★4.3 King's Empire ★4.1 Tribal Wars ★4.3 Age of Warring Empire ★3.6 War Planet Online: MMO Game ★4.2 Empire in War - Strategy Game ★4.5 Magic Empire: First Lamp War ★3.9 War Games - Commander ★4.3 War and Order ★3.9 Warfare Strike:Global War ★3.4 Army Tycoon 2:Army Tycoon Game ★4.6 AoC - Medieval Simulator ★4.2 March of Empires: War Games ★3.9 War of Nations: PvP Strategy ★3.3 Instant War: Ultimate Warfare ★3.6 War Zone Battle Simulator ★4.0