HomeAppsToolsVBE K3 GHOST COMApps like VBE K3 GHOST COM Here are some great alternatives to VBE K3 GHOST COM by VBE INC. : Ultimate Ghost Detector Real ★4.1 Shadows Box - EVP Spirit Box ★3.4 Spirits Gate Ghost Box ★3.5 Ghost Talker - Talk To Ghost ★3.9 Spirits Wave EVP Scanner ★3.9 SGK1 - Ghost Hunting Kit ★3.5 Paranormal Hunter Spirit Box ★3.4 HumaNoise Paranormal ★3.6 EVP Recorder - Spotted: Ghosts ★3.2 EVP Finder X Spirit Box ★3.6 EVP Phone Spirit Box ★3.6 SPMK4 Spirit Box ★3.7 Coultous Box ITC 2 ★3.9 EvpBox 7 Spirit Box ★3.2 GhostSHARK EMF ★3.8 Deadwave ★3.6