HomeAppsBusinessVF retailApps like VF retail Here are some great alternatives to VF retail by Vatfree.com : Loyverse POS - Point of Sale ★4.9 Retailer Portal ★4.3 My Retail Rebel ★3.2 Receipt Box ★3.7 Shopify Point of Sale (POS) ★3.7 Airvat Tax Refund ★5.0 Retailo - B2B Retailer App ★4.2 Trax Retail ★4.3 Receipt Pal Scanner & Rewards ★3.9 Store Commerce ★4.3 Retail Up System ★3.4 Wevat Tax Refund ★4.0 Receipt Maker ★4.4 Billeez POS - Easy Billing App ★4.8 Receipt Maker - Thermal Print ★3.4 ReceiptHub ★4.2