HomeAppsEntertainmentWarmasterApps like Warmaster Here are some great alternatives to Warmaster by Aredruss Dev : War Council ★4.5 Warmasters: Turn-Based RPG ★3.6 BattleScribe Army List Builder ★4.5 WARSURGE LIFETIME ★4.6 WARSURGE ★4.0 Tabletop Tactics ★4.6 Renegade Games Companion ★3.2 Warmachine App ★3.9 Frostgrave Warband ★4.5 Wars and Battles ★3.4 New Recruit ★4.6 Tabletop Battles ★4.7 Warcrying ★4.9 ES14 ★3.3 Attack on Command - RTS Games ★4.1 Off The Grid: Companion App ★4.5