HomeAppsMusic & AudioWhim PodcastsApps like Whim Podcasts Here are some great alternatives to Whim Podcasts by Whim Music : Offline Podcast App: Player FM ★4.2 Moon FM - The Podcast App ★4.6 Podyssey Podcast Discovery App ★4.0 Podcast Player App - Podbean ★4.6 Podcast Player ★4.7 Podverse - Podcast Player ★4.4 Podcast Republic - Podcast app ★4.5 Sprewell: World Podcast Player ★4.4 Christian Podcasts & Sermons ★4.3 Podcast Player & Podcast App - ★4.0 Hubhopper - Start your podcast ★3.4 Podcasts by myTuner - Podcast ★4.5 Podcast Guru - Podcast App ★4.3 Podkicker Podcast Player ★3.5 zpod Podcasts ★4.3 Podcast Studio ★4.5